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Book Flight Book Club- Book of Night

Book Flight Book Club- Book of Night

Book Flight: a group that samples across the genres. Each month we will try something new and meet together to dive into the book together!

Join us as we discuss Holly Black's adult debutBook of Night, a modern dark fantasy of shadowy thieves and secret societies.

In Charlie Hall’s world, shadows can be altered, for entertainment and cosmetic preferences—but also to increase power and influence. You can alter someone’s feelings—and memories—but manipulating shadows has a cost, with the potential to take hours or days from your life. Your shadow holds all the parts of you that you want to keep hidden—a second self, standing just to your left, walking behind you into lit rooms. And sometimes, it has a life of its own.

Book Flight will meet on Zoom. Please register to be in contact with staff, or call 831-646-3933 for more information. A Zoom link will be provided for participants.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Show more dates
4:00pm - 5:00pm
  Adults     Teens  
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