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Natural Fluctuations? Seastars, Urchins, Kelps, and Squids

Natural Fluctuations? Seastars, Urchins, Kelps, and Squids

Join us as celebrate Cannery Row Days: Sweet Thursday Hooptedoodles with guest speaker Greg Cailliet.  Whether it was the real Ed Ricketts at the Pacific Biological Laboratories or Steinbeck’s fictional “Doc” in Cannery Row or Sweet Thursday, one would know that he was constantly observing the marine environment, looking for trends.  Greg will explore the cycles, some natural, while others human-caused, that have occurred over many decades in the Monterey Bay ecosystems.


Greg Cailliet: Professor Emeritus of Biology, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, whose specialty is ichthyology and marine ecology. He is the former president of the Cannery Row Foundation.

This program takes place on Zoom, or participants may join by phone. Registration closes an hour before the program. The Zoom access information will be sent to registered participants shortly before the program begins. Use of video camera and level of participation is determined by each person.

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Thursday, October 28, 2021
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Registration has closed.